Monday, September 29, 2008

Response to Daylights Mark

HT: Belmont Club

I was only planning on writing a few lines in response to your article. Then it kind of snowballed to the point where I didn’t want to hog the comments area. So I linked it on my blog, I hope you don’t mind.

Sometimes it seems like half the country is making an irrational choice for their presidential candidate. It is nice to see somebody make a rational explanation of their vote for Obama on something other than “Hope” and “Change”, but as a (reluctant) McCain voter myself, I can’t help but see a couple of points where your logic looks a little fuzzy.

I am glad to see you share the same general opinion of Iraq as most of us, that I would paraphrased generally as “I wish we didn’t have to do this, but after 9/11 we cannot take the risk that Saddam would pass on chemical/biological/nuclear technologies or weapons to terrorist allies, Plus he is an offensive advocate for military opportunism in the Middle East, Plus he is a cancer that sits astride the major blood/oil vessel of the world economy, Plus he has never abided by the terms of the cease-fire that ended his first little attempt at expanding his empire. So we will take this action, get a democratic government that will not foster terrorism set up in his place, and quietly leave as soon as practical.”

And I agree with you that McCain’s view of the Iraq war is much like this. And that Hillary’s taking this general view was much more based on opportunity than on her actual feelings.

But Obama has stated from the very beginning that we should not be there, and should leave as fast as possible. Only recently has the word “win” come into his vocabulary on this issue. If we leave the country with anything other than a functioning government with an effective military, it would not be more than a year before Iran would suddenly become much larger. And to claim that somehow a soft-peddling on the Iranian nuclear issue was a quid-pro-quo to get the Iranians to quit sending men and arms to the insurgents is most likely quite wrong, and quite possibly backwards. The Iranian leaders know that Bush has been quite serious about the issue, trying to prove the opposite with a UN report (ha!), and a quickly debunked travesty of a NIE is weak. The truth is there is little we can do to stop the Iranians from getting “The Bomb” short of a massive bombing campaign across their entire country, of which there is almost no national will on our part to do. Israel however, being the target, may not be as reluctant, and lacks the air force to carry out such a campaign without using nukes. Yes I expect this to become bloody. No I do not see an easy answer.

I have *no* clue on how the bailout is going to help/hurt, if it is better to set up a government insurance plan (Newt) or a giant mortgage wash-and-scrub system (Paulson). But I do know that the first thing the Democrats did when they got their hands on the bill was to immediately pork it up with handouts to ACORN and their other little buddies, and advocate allowing judges to re-write mortgage contracts (as if mortgages were not variable enough in value as is). Which President do you think would have the nerve to veto that kind of idiocy?

Fiscal Policy
There is no way in the world that Obama can take office and push his economic plan without a pocket of Magic Pixie Tax Dust. Right now the top 50% of incomes pay over 98% of all income tax. He claims he will cut taxes for all the “middle class” taxpayers, I believe that as much as I believed Bill Clinton’s plan of the same claim, which within the first month of him taking office turned into the largest tax increase in US history. In order to enact even a fraction of what he has promised, he is either going to have to tax the rich into poverty, or run the taxes behind a cover plan such as a massive tax on companies, that gets passed on to the consumer. And you can not claim that McCain will tax less, I have no confidence in his ability to even maintain the Bush tax cuts while facing a Democrat dominated legislature. They are going to expire, and it will hurt the economy when they do. But at least McCain has shown a history of being a cheap (censored) sonofa(censored) in his voting record and promises, as opposed to Obama.

Health Care
I have issues with both candidates too, but Obama’s health care plan is almost a photocopy of the HillaryCare plan from the 90s, only mandatory instead of voluntary. The last thing I want is “Here is your Government created health care plan, you have no options, we have already docked your pay for it, goodbye”. McCain’s plan at least makes some sense, historically we have forced each company to provide their own individual health plan, McCain tends to a plan that would give everybody the option to have their own individual plan they can carry with them from job to job and into retirement, much like a 401K/IRA.

Governor Palin
All of the negative points you list about Gov. Palin sound like they came right off the DNC website. She’s a sitting Governor of the only state we have that borders two foreign governments, who has a sky-high approval rating in Alaska, who has strong feelings on abortion and God, and has shown as governor that she will not cram them down your throat. She has defeated two former governors, managed to get that natural gas pipeline going without the massive state spending her predecessor wanted, and has not even crested fifty years old yet. For crying out loud, she has more executive experience than either presidential candidates. The Obama camp is scared stiff of her and has unleashed the most slime-filled campaign of hatred and bias that I have seen, up to and including professionally produced videos from Obama’s PR firm. And she is maintaining her “chirpy” demeanor during it all. God bless her.

Trivia: If Obama supports off-shore drilling, that’s news to me. Last Democrat I saw supporting off-shore drilling was that useless plan that only allowed drilling more than 50 miles off the coast, and did not permit any revenue sharing with the state. Since 95% of our off-shore resources are within 50 miles of the coast, and states will not be very cooperative to drilling without getting something in return, it went down like a dead duck.

The whole campaign season has felt a little like watching two little boys: one with a stick trying to knock his kite out of the power lines, and one playing in the flooded creek.

Update 10/15/08 in response to his response:

I do think you are doing yourself a disservice by accepting the Media's portrayal of Palin as some sort of backwards Alaskan while accepting the carefully crafted glowing image of Obama that they have put forth. Both of them are quite effective politicians, one who managed to capture a Senate seat almost bloodlessly by short-sheeting his opponents, the other who ran a populist campaign against former governors and beat 'em both. Both of them are short-timers, having less than one complete term in a state-wide elected position. But Palin will be Vice-president, a position that has become somewhat of an apprenticeship program, and only once in my lifetime has become a sudden promotion. Obama will become President, and will draw from his friends and co-workers for his Presidential staff.

After seeing who he has made friends with on his trip up the ladder, that does not make me want him in command, quite the contrary.

--Georg Felis


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Operation Pitbull Putdown

Post: Intercepted by Special Operative “Lipstick” inside the DNC
Advice: Place tongue firmly in cheek before reading
Caution: May contain parody, those suffering from BDS or the early symptoms of PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) are advised to read with caution. Close captioned for the humor impaired. Do not blog while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, Democratic talking points, or other mind-affecting substances.


From: H.Reid
To: (dem.candidates)(media.slaves)(sane.bloggers)(insane.bloggers)(kos.drones)
RE: Operation Pit Bull Putdown

Dear friends, colleagues, and associated nutball bloggers:

Operation Pit Bull Putdown has been running pretty well in the last week. Over a hundred rumors generated and still no end in sight, good work! Since that old geezer announced he was putting a skirt on the ticket, it threw our carefully produced and expensive collection of ads and scandal for the Mormon and the New York philanderer (not Bill) into the trash and we had to start off fresh. And what a good job you all did in such a short time. Over a hundred of the best and juiciest rumors and scandals all produced at the spur of the moment and disseminated to all of our editors worldwide, flooding all the papers and important internet pages. Good job!

But we must not become complacent. Some of the items you have come up with are pathetic, I mean trying to show her disabled baby actually belonged to her daughter? Get real! Not even a complete idiot over on KOS would buy that one. Next time you come up with a story like this, run it by a 5th grader to see if they break out laughing. If they do, it needs work.

Even now, that puffy old geezer and his tart are touring the country to huge crowds, even bigger than The Chosen One, collecting money like Al Gore collects calories. This Must Be Stopped! We need time for the dirt-diggers Investigative Reporters to complete their work in the seedy bars and dives of that frost-bitten hellhole of Alaska. We need money for them to buy drinks for the drunken natives, we need money to purchase the best forgeries possible, to buy Photoshop for our legions of photo-editors we hired from some middle-eastern country, to buy the expensive meals that our news anchors and editors need while covering this story. And most of all, we need more stories.

So get out there and get back to work, this ain’t over yet. Turn over more rocks, dig deeply into the sewer, grab hold of some mud and throw! Is Bristol’s new husband-to-be registered with the draft? Do they owe taxes anywhere? That cute little Muppet that she has following her around, give her some candy and ask some questions like “Aren’t you supposed to be in school” or “If you’re bad, do you get punished?” If she doesn’t say what you want her to say, make something up. Or find some little twerp who sounds a little like her and get her to say some embarrassing things on tape. Come on people, work with me here! If we do not step up to the collection plate and start filling it up to the brim, people will start to ask questions about our policy in Iraq and taxation and that dammed drilling, we just can not afford that at this time. Just remember the primary rules, if it’s too good to be true, print it. If they say something bad about a Republican, headline it. If your source does not want their name used, they must be really important and do not need verified.

For crying out loud, if we wanted a woman in the White House, we would have sent Hillary back.

Palin Delendo Est!
H. Reid


Hopefully Agent Lipstick will be able to get more internal memos like this in the future.

Until then, here is the list of things I’m expecting the Dems to try next:

- Getting Piper/Willow/Bristol Palin in a corner and questioning her with intent of distorting/misquoting for dirt. I do not think they will go as far as to pretend to interview Trig.
- Announce that Piper was spanked once, and this only shows how unfit a mother she is and her support for torture, murder and death from Republican hit squads.
- Insinuating that Track will get/has gotten preferential treatment in the Army, complete with a half-dozen well-armed bodyguards (that we would call “the rest of his platoon”).
- Announcing that they have telepathic proof that Sarah planned on aborting their son Trig, but only decided to keep him when she thought of her Presidential career.
- “Finding” out that Bristol’s fiancé Levi has some horrid secret in his closet, too horrible to mention. (“You must face the peril! No, it’s too perilous!”)
- Having some child welfare agent of great reputation announce that Trig’s Down Syndrome is a direct result of (insert behavior here) of her mother, taken foolishly without regard to the baby, and how can we have a VP who would endanger a child that way?
- Claim that the Palin pick was a desperate last-gasp resort of a dying man who knows he will die on the campaign trail or while being sworn in or while climbing the steps to the White House or in office and picked her just to annoy the Republican party, and besides she does not have the critical Community Organizer qualification that real Presidential Candidates have so why even consider her when there is a much better candidate available? (Oh wait, they did that one already)

It's going to be a muddy campaign season, looks like we are going to get 'Change' no matter who gets elected. Policy changes from President McCain, or loose change from President Obama.

Update 9/22/08: I did not realize how close to the mark I was with this parody. Take a look at the Jawa Report where they show a professional PR firm behind a number of the Palin slimes as of late.
Update 9/23/08: Charles Martin has a good list of already debunked Palin smears, some of which are just gut-busting funny how somebody could fall for them. Even aliens.


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Words Mean Something---but I dont' know what

While browsing Tigerhawk links, I happened upon a site called Wordle, which can show you a pictoral representation of what your document/blog looks like. Here's me:
Have fun with it.